Bringing Peace Love and Light Within and Around You

Melanie Beckler of is of one of the Amazing Souls on Earth right now (like you) bringing forward clear High-vibrational teachings wisdom and Meditations for the benefit of all. I highly recommend her work. Please click below to watch and enjoy one of her recent meditations. And if you would like personal assistance and support on your path of Awakening and integration please visit my new site:


With Love,


Looking for God


Eckhart reads from The Tao Te Ching. Our minds cannot understand consciousness or God. Don’t look for God. Don’t try to define consciousness. Embrace the spaciousness of not thinking. You can’t understand consciousness from the mind; you can only be it. You are it.  “The realization of God does not come from understanding. It does not come from books.”

Pre-birth Planning & the US Election by Robert Schwartz

Prior to this lifetime, each of us planned to bring to the light of conscious awareness those discordant aspects of self still in need of healing. Often, we become aware of these hidden internal aspects through an external trigger. (If we refuse what the external trigger is intended to show us, we will magnetize more such external triggers to ourselves.) Enter Donald Trump. He, like all beings and things in our world, mirrors us back to us. This is, in fact, a fundamental function of life in the third dimension. The world reflects us to ourselves so that discordant aspects of consciousness may come into clear view, at which time we may then choose how to relate to them.

In short, our judgments of Trump (or Clinton or any person, event, thing, or set of circumstances) are cloaked self-judgments. If there were no darkness within us, one of two things would necessarily be true: either we would not recognize the darkness in Donald Trump, or if we did, we would have absolutely no judgment of it. Almost all humans are a blend of light and darkness. Our judgments of others are projected self-judgments of our own darkness. …

I invite you to relate to yourself and, in particular, your “faults” with gentleness, kindness, self-compassion, and non-judgment. This will greatly facilitate your evolution. Moreover, when you give these gifts to yourself, you then have them to give to seeming others. In doing so you bless the world.

When you find yourself feeling resistance to Donald Trump or any person, event, thing, or set of circumstances, you may reduce the resistance and open yourself to expansion and healing by saying, “Welcome, teacher. What have you come to teach me?” When you ask this question, you create a vortex of energy that calls the answers to you.

Remember, no matter how different some people may seem, our commonalities are much greater than our differences. Every person is an eternal soul. Every person is Divine. Every person is, quite literally, made of Light. Every person is a cell in the Heart of All That Is.

To read the full article please click-here.


Your Greatness

“I believe that you’re great,
that there’s something magnificent about you.
Regardless of what has happened to you in your life,
regardless of how young or how old you think you might be,
the moment you begin to think properly,
there’s something that is within you,
there’s power within you,
that’s greater than the world.
It will begin to emerge.
It will take over your life. It will feed you.
It will clothe you.
It will guide you,
protect you,
direct you,
sustain your very existence,
if you let it.
that is what I know for sure.”
— Michael Beckwith

3min Video: Welcoming Life x

Welcoming Life x

Eckhart explains life is only difficult when we expect it should not be difficult. If we carry the assumption that life should not be difficult, we are in opposition to life. Once we recognize that life is difficult, it is no longer difficult. Happiness comes with accepting the fact that challenges are an essential part of life. Challenges are here to awaken us.