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Eckhart Tolle : Eckhart is a spiritual teacher and author. Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Timesbestseller The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time. 

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Infinite Being.com :  Discover New Vistas of Inspiration, Love and Creativity through Spiritual Metaphysics.

The Sacred School of OM NA  : My mission and purpose is to channel the light and enlightenment of the Creator and Creator aspects to assist all in realising themselves as the Creator on the Earth. My deepest wish is that all live in love.

ASCENSION PIONEERS by Polona Somrak :  )
ASCENSION PIONEERS (Polona Somrak) : All is DIVINE LOVE within ALL THAT IS! This page is dedicated to all the Ascension Pioneers and all who are on the Journey of Ascension. In Truth, we all are, because we are all Source returning Home through Divine remembrance.

Miracles of Mind : To Have, Give All to All! I am doing my part in this world by spreading the word of Love & Forgiveness. As we heal our minds we heal the world!.

Denise Hagan : Denise is a sacred and inspirational performer dedicated to opening the heart of humankind through sound, story and song.

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Conscious | Cool | Chic : Increasing Consciousness Through Daily Inspirations.

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I LOVE TO LAUGH! : To bring happiness, pleasure and joy! (or to tears, which is our favorite laughter). We love to laugh! Laughing is contagious and can heal the soul.

OWN – The Oprah Winfrey Network – is more than a television network, it’s a network of people just like YOU.