Healing your Heart Chakra

ArchAngel Raphael - Original image source unknown.
The process of bringing healing of any form whether you feel discomfort in your Heart Chakra or not, is to first be willing to receive and accept your Heart Chakra as a whole realising that you may not be able to fully understand your Heart Chakra.  This can be achieved through simple affirmations of acceptance, speaking lovingly and directly to your Heart Chakra or simply surrounding your Heart Chakra in love allowing it to penetrate and further awaken your Heart Chakra.
The second process of healing your Heart Chakra is to be willing to recognise the reflections of your physical form in this lifetime and past lifetimes, as well as the emotions and beliefs which are connected within your Heart Chakra.  This is to recognise with love aspects of yourself held within your Heart Chakra and most
probably placed there by you which are based upon fear or seemingly are shadows of pain or suffering, these could be labelled illusions. The only way to be accepting is to love your Heart Chakra, recognising love within your Heart Chakra will allow pains and shadows to come forth into your awareness. The process of any energy moving into your awareness is a movement of release and letting go. Through this process you allow
yourself to recognise yourself and truth in the pure love of your Heart Chakra seemingly embodying this energy of purity or more truthfully recognising something which has always be present. Allowing yourself to recognise shadow aspects within your Heart Chakra support you in accepting your power and deciphering illusions to realise truth.
The third process of bringing healing to your Heart Chakra is to allow your willingness to love your Heart Chakra to transport you into the pure love of your Heart Chakra, recognising that this is the embodiment of the Heart Chakra of the Creator and you have the ability to exist within the Cosmic energies of the Creator’s love.
Thus you are allowing yourself to embody and realise the Cosmic Heart Chakra of the Creator in your physical body and reality upon the Earth. This to be experienced as a profound stream of love strongly and continuously emanating from your Heart Chakra core creating feelings and sensations of bliss, as well as a sense of being healed rather than needing healing.
This three step process you are experiencing everyday with and within your Heart Chakra without realising, it is a process which allows you to recognise your truth and experience it fully. Your truth is that you are a reflection of, as well as an embodiment of, the Cosmic Heart Chakra of the Creator. It is your purpose to receive, embody, express and experience Cosmic or pure love in every moment of your reality supporting and
encouraging others to do the same.  The process of healing your Heart Chakra which I have described is to bring you back into full alignment with the truth of your Heart Chakra and the Creator. This is something which is occurring throughout the universe of the Creator, everything is awakening a deeper and greater alignment with the Cosmic Heart Chakra of the Creator. We see this by your soul’s desire to create and experience love
upon the Earth within every experience and every person. Manifesting the Era of Love is simply a process of realigning and remembering the Cosmic Heart Chakra of the Creator which is your natural existence and will always bring forth fulfilment.